
You can upload your own objects, photos, and videos into the Thyng app! Upload in the field below to get your own customized experience.

What would you like to upload?


File Formats:

    • .png
    • .jpg


  • Transparent Photos:

    • .png with a transparent alpha channel.


File Formats:

    • .mp4


  • Transparent Videos:

    • .mp4 with a Chroma Key background

Make sure that your videos are not longer than 10 seconds.


File Formats:

    • .obj, .fbx, .max, .3ds, .stl, .wrl
    • .mtl file
    • .png OR .jpg texture
  • Best Practices:

    • UV unwrap object
    • .mtl should reference the texture submitted
    • only one texture per obj

Generally, 10MB or under will provide an optimal viewing experience.

Submit your Thyngs today!

Select and Upload files


You’ll need a Thyng account, if you don’t already have one.

Please submit one Thyng at a time, and your item will be live on the Thyng app within one business day.